About the YongSeo Couple

YongSeo couple refers to Yonghwa and Seohyun or, as fans called them, “goguma couple” (sweet potato couple). They have such significantly different characters; Yonghwa is sociable and tends to be as playful as a boy, while Seohyun is shy, mature, naive, obedient to the rule, and a bookworm. They were both still young at the time of their virtual marriage, Yonghwa was 21 years old and Seohyun was only 19. They became the first young couple in We Got Married Season 2, which come out from episode 40 until episode 91 (51 episodes), in August 2010.

First Meeting

They had their first meeting in the MBC lobby. Seohyun was coming to see her very first husband, and she didn’t have any clue who it would be. Meanwhile, the CN Blue members were gathering in the lobby, the playful Yonghwa was supposed to make a set with Seohyun, but Jungshin was pretending to be Seohyun’s husband, instead. The naive Seohyun believed Yonghwa’s game, but then Yonghwa asked Seohyun if she had to choose who would become her husband between all the members of CN Blue, which person she would choose by covering them with a blanket. Surprisingly, Seohyun chose Yonghwa by putting the blanket over his body. Then, Yonghwa, with his big smile, revealed that he was the real husband. After that, Yonghwa brought Seohyun to his practice room, he showed her how to play the guitar, then they grabbed some food and bought their couple rings, which were only 2000 won (around 2 USD).

Memorable Scenes

On the 22nd day of their relationship, Seohyun wanted to celebrate by donating her blood, but Yonghwa had just come back from another country so he couldn’t make a donation. Instead of canceling the donations, Seohyun still did it alone, what an angel heart she has! After that, they went to the bank to open a joint account for their household. Such a thoughtful couple! When Seohyun’s birthday rolled around, Yonghwa seemed to have forgotten about it, which made her sad. Then Yonghwa asked Seohyun to go fishing with him. She was surprised that Yonghwa actually bought her a field, and the field is not just a regular field, it was a SWEET POTATO FIELD! As a sweet potato lover, Seohyun was surprised and happy. She never thought that she would ever get a sweet potato field as a birthday gift. They did some farming together, and after a while, Yonghwa had a second surprise for her. He had planted a necklace at the field before they went there together, Seohyun was again shocked. What a romantic Yonghwa! After farming, they went fishing and Yonghwa left for a little bit to buy mosquito repellent. While he was gone, Seohyun prepared a surprise for Yonghwa, since his birthday was so close to hers. Seohyun surprised Yonghwa when she sang him a song with a small guitar and gave him a book about the Yongseo couple that she wrote herself. On the last page of the book, she attached a new couple ring. Since Yonghwa’s first ring had broken, Seohyun bought him a new one, which was made of white gold. permenmint.wordpress.com When they were moving into their house together, some SNSD (Girls Generation) members and Jungshin from CN Blue came to help manage the place and gave them housewarming gifts. Seohyun and Yonghwa gave their home an AVATAR theme, so they put lots of stuffed animals in their house. They also had some cute moments when Yonghwa challenged Seohyun to play billiards, saying the one who loses has to give the winner a piggyback ride home, Seohyun lost. In another episode, they were rehearsing together. On the way back home, they made another bet, this time about playing basketball. Seohyun won the game, so Yonghwa had to carry her home. Another cute moment happened when CN Blue was just coming back to Korea from a concert in Thailand. Seohyeon surprised him by hiding in the baggage behind CN Blue’s car. All the CN Blue members were shocked, especially Yonghwa, when they wanted to get their guitar and she came out from their baggage car. They also visited Yonghwa’s parents in Busan, the second biggest city after Seoul. They went by train and ended up falling asleep together. How cute they look! permenmint.wordpress.com In the scene below, Seohyun said she was felt cold and Yonghwa put his arms around her to keep her warm. Then, Seohyun admitted that she made him a scarf. So thoughtful, Seohyun! Their relationship was not always about love, they were also productive. They made a song titled “Banmal Song,” and Seohyun helped write the lyrics. They filmed their performance singing this song.

During the last concert in Japan, Yonghwa lost the scarf from Seohyun. By way of apology, Yonghwa made a handmade scarf for Seohyun and gave her a book about the journey of him making the scarf in between his work commitments. So sweet! A bonus for you! See Yonghwa and Seohyun’s wedding photos below!

Couple Performance

They even performed together, singing “Run Devil Run” (Girls’ Generation’s song) and “Sarang Bit” (CN Blue song). Their charismatic performance underlined their intimacy with their audience.

End of Their Season

In their last episode together Yonghwa gave Seohyun one last, memorable gift, a pink guitar! Before they separated, they took the money from their joint bank account and used the money to get a massage together. Since it was their last day, they agreed to do activities the way they did when they first meet. They wore the same clothes, talked the same topics, and visited Yonghwa’s practice room at MBC. When they arrived in the CN Blue practice room, Yonghwa asked Seohyun if she still remembered how to play guitar, and she said no. Unexpectedly, she could play and sing Banmal, Yonghwa was surprised and happy. Later on, when they arrived home, they enjoyed their time together in their house for the last time. They also drank banana milkshakes for the last time together. So, here is the last photo of them in their AVATAR home. For the last time, Yonghwa dropped Seohyun off at her real house. They exchanged gifts and Seohyun even cried seeing Yonghwa for last time. They said goodbye and hugged each other.

A Throwback To the YongSeo Couple s Moments From MBC s  We Got Married  - 84A Throwback To the YongSeo Couple s Moments From MBC s  We Got Married  - 14A Throwback To the YongSeo Couple s Moments From MBC s  We Got Married  - 65A Throwback To the YongSeo Couple s Moments From MBC s  We Got Married  - 50A Throwback To the YongSeo Couple s Moments From MBC s  We Got Married  - 54A Throwback To the YongSeo Couple s Moments From MBC s  We Got Married  - 69A Throwback To the YongSeo Couple s Moments From MBC s  We Got Married  - 11A Throwback To the YongSeo Couple s Moments From MBC s  We Got Married  - 78A Throwback To the YongSeo Couple s Moments From MBC s  We Got Married  - 39A Throwback To the YongSeo Couple s Moments From MBC s  We Got Married  - 73A Throwback To the YongSeo Couple s Moments From MBC s  We Got Married  - 68A Throwback To the YongSeo Couple s Moments From MBC s  We Got Married  - 50A Throwback To the YongSeo Couple s Moments From MBC s  We Got Married  - 51A Throwback To the YongSeo Couple s Moments From MBC s  We Got Married  - 49A Throwback To the YongSeo Couple s Moments From MBC s  We Got Married  - 65A Throwback To the YongSeo Couple s Moments From MBC s  We Got Married  - 74A Throwback To the YongSeo Couple s Moments From MBC s  We Got Married  - 34A Throwback To the YongSeo Couple s Moments From MBC s  We Got Married  - 44A Throwback To the YongSeo Couple s Moments From MBC s  We Got Married  - 43A Throwback To the YongSeo Couple s Moments From MBC s  We Got Married  - 12A Throwback To the YongSeo Couple s Moments From MBC s  We Got Married  - 86A Throwback To the YongSeo Couple s Moments From MBC s  We Got Married  - 15A Throwback To the YongSeo Couple s Moments From MBC s  We Got Married  - 18A Throwback To the YongSeo Couple s Moments From MBC s  We Got Married  - 88