An evaluation 20 official of Pakistan Administrative Service or PAS, past locale the board gathering, is directly filling in as CEO of Quaid-I-Azam Thermal Power Company (QATPC) claimed by the Punjab government. The Chinese authorities utilized the rubric of “Punjab Speed” for the presentation of the Shahbaz Sharif government since its conveyance and improvement accomplishments are credited to a group of government workers, among whom Cheema is a pro player. Hailing from horticultural foundation group of Hafizabad, Cheema made his imprint right off the bat in his profession, when, route in 2005, he was picked by Chief Minister Pervaiz Ellahi to deal with his trademark venture – “Parah Likha Punjab”. He was made the undertaking organizer of this World Bank-bolstered activity. Government employees in Punjab credit its prosperity to Cheema’s difficult work and the executives abilities. The past government consistently invested wholeheartedly in accomplishment of this venture, and benefactor offices likewise displayed it as worth imitating.

Ahad Cheema Biography

Cheema is nicknamed in bureaucratic circles as “metro man”. Keeping in see his past record of goals, influential methodology and initiative, the main priest chose Cheema to administer and screen the Lahore Metro Bus System (MBS) venture. Cheema acknowledged the demand, joined as the executive general of the Lahore Development Authority (LDA) in March 2012 and finished the endeavor in a record time of 11 months. It goes surprisingly that the task was finished up without unwinding even a solitary standard or guideline. With straightforwardness a measure of Rs 29.8 billion was used in a limited ability to focus. In the finishing of MBS, many designing accomplishments were accomplished without precedent for Pakistan which have just been conceivable because of Cheema’s unremitting endeavors. The second longest BRT flyover of Asia estimating 8.2 km was finished in a record time of 230 days. In acknowledgment of his exceptional and worthy administrations in building the Lahore metro, Cheema was presented the honor of Tamgha-e-Imtiaz by the President of Pakistan.

Ahad Cheema Biography

Cheema has additionally filled in as the locale coordination official of Lahore, Higher Education Secretary and twice as LDA boss. He is by and by functioning as the QATPC CEO. Recognizing his presentation in Bhikhi Power, the Punjab government depended him with another 1200MW venture at Trimmu, Jhang, which is as of now on approach to establishing new precedents of productivity and cost-sparing. The QATPC as of late finished the Bhikhi power plant, creating 1200MWs of power. This plant alongside two different ventures set up by central government at Baloki and Haveli Bhadur Shah, Jhang of 1200 MW each are refered to by the current government for completion the loadshedding. Vitality specialists refer to Bhikhi power plant drove by Cheema as pioneer the extent that presentation of current organization on vitality front is concerned. The guidelines of productivity, economy and execution set by Cheema in setting up this plant were copied by government administrators in different tasks, they state. QATPC Chairman Arif Saeed, a scion of Services Group of Industries, who is chipping in as head of its top managerial staff with Cheema being its CEO, said that the QATPC is an astounding case of the open area accomplishing exceptional outcomes at a speed private part organizations would do well to imitate, and in the event that one man is to be credited for this other than Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif it is Cheema.

Ahad Cheema Biography

“While there have been a few people answerable for giving authority and vision, Cheema’s persevering endeavors have been instrumental in setting new benchmarks in the force segment. The undertaking before the supervisory crew was to devise an assessment component for offering, pull in world-class organizations to make genuine rivalry, and to orchestrate the biggest ever venture financing syndication managed without a sovereign assurance by Pakistani banks. In only over two years, Cheema and the group he amassed invented to spare the open exchequer and the shopper Rs 40 billion in the undertaking acquirement alone. Add to that Rs6 billion in yearly fuel investment funds, and tremendous profits for purchasers of electric force.” Arif Saeed said the speed at which the force plant was built up is a record: straightforward cycle activity in only 17 months, and ideally joined cycle activity in 27 months. This is a living declaration to difficult work and genuinely of direction that Cheema brought to the activity. He said Cheema’s noteworthy intercession came in the offering for activity and upkeep. In the primary offering for this administration for a 12-year time span, the most reduced bidder was at $328 million. Cheema talked with driving private area power organization designers who consoled him the offer was serious and in accordance with the duty permitted by National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Nepra). The organization at that point propelled a worldwide market overview and Cheema moved toward the QATPC board with a solicitation to permit them to rebid. The rebidding procedure brought about an offer for $162 million, a sparing of $166 million.

Ahad Cheema Biography

Still not fulfilled, Arif Saeed stated, Cheema was certain he could get further investment funds on this record. Along these lines, the offers were dismissed and in the third round the most minimal offer came in at $133 million, a further sparing of $33 million. This sparing will be 20 paisas for every unit, gave to the buyer, while the plant is relied upon to create right around 10 billion units of power every year. “This may seem like a fantasy, in defilement invaded power division, yet realities are realities and anyone can see with his own eyes.” The QATPC director said this venture has broken every single set up benchmark for capital cost, warm proficiency, development time and activity and upkeep cost. The effect on the purchaser has been huge, and the force segment in Pakistan has now been changed perpetually, he said. Arif Saeed, known for his no non-sense approach and gruff talk in business circles, expressed that subsequent to chipping in for right around five years with the administration, he can say with certainty that a couple of more officials of such brightness and balance could change the scene for ventures in Pakistan including the significant dams like Diamer Bhasha and other country building endeavors. “The group drove by Cheema has totally changed the manner in which we convey brings about the open segment, and it has been an outright benefit to have been related with these endeavors as a part and seat of the board.”

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