Following Turbo’s disbandment in 2001, Kim Jong Kook released his debut solo album in December 2001. Other than his music career, Kim Jong Kook gained popularity for his appearance in many popular Korean variety shows, most notably X-man, Family Outing, and globally known Running Man. Other than his music career and appearance in variety shows, he is popular among female celebrities and fans because of his muscular physique and gentleman manner. He is popular for his healthy lifestyle: exercising and avoiding fast foods and alcohol. In this article, Channel-Korea will provide you with detailed information about Kim Jong Kook and his failure to be healthy on SBS’ My Little Old Boy. So, stay tuned!

Trap on Eating Trip

On SBS’ My Little Old Boy, Kim Jong-kook revealed his life pattern and lifestyle to the viewers. He was accompanied by his manager and his younger friends. The duo is called “the fat brothers” because of their large physique and big belly. His two friends like to eat but rarely exercise and they are the exact opposite of Kim Jong-kook. However, they are Kim Jong-kook’s best friends and supporters. In episode 95 and 142 of My Little Old Boy, Kim Jong Kook and his two friends went to Baekryeong Island and Yeosu. In episode 95, the two didn’t tell Kim Jong-kook about their exact plan, they only told him about eating cold noodles in Baekryeong Island. It turned out they visited four cold noodles restaurants. In episode 142, the two friends told Kim Jong-kook about their plan to eat sashimi around the Seoul area. Without his agreement, they took him all the way to the Southern part of Korea, Yeosu, to eat Spanish mackerel. At the end of the day, the two gave Kim Jong-kook a memorable birthday cake. In episode 95, the cold noodles trip, Kim Jong-kook and his two fat brothers went on an eating trip to Baekryeong Island. Baekryeong Island is famous for the six cold noodles restaurants. Knowing that Kim Jong-kook likes cold noodles, the fat brothers dragged him to the island. The island is located at the northwest side of South Korea, close to North Korea. It took a four-hour trip by ferry to reach Baekryeong Island from the Incheon ferry terminal. Kim Jong-kook seemed very excited and amazed by the delicious and unique taste of Baekryeong Island cold noodles and vintage rice cakes. To his surprise, the fat brothers had a hidden agenda. They planned to eat at every cold noodles restaurant available on the island so they hurried up after finishing their meal and moved to another restaurant. Even though the noodles were delicious, he couldn’t understand why they have to eat cold noodles in all the restaurants. One of the fat brothers commented that because they ate the same kind of food, cold noodles, Kim Jong-kook should think of it as a single meal.

In the end, they didn’t have enough time and could only eat cold noodles in four restaurants. They even missed the returning boat to the Korean mainland and were forced to stay overnight in Baekryeong island. Kim Jong-kook was visibly irritated upon knowing the news, knowing that he couldn’t exercise. However, he was pleased and satisfied upon seeing their lodging. The lodging was clean and comfortable.

While relaxing and enjoying the evening in the lodging, food delivery service came and gave them a set of raw seafood. Restaurants in Baekryeong Island closed at 3 p.m., but in the evening, seafood restaurants operated food delivery service. The fat brothers ordered raw oyster, conch, scallop, sea cucumber. It was their 5th meal of the day.

ASMR With Fat

In episode 126 of My Little Old Boy, Kim Jong-kook went to a typical Korean barbeque restaurant with comedian Yoo-Se-yoon and his UV duo partner, Muzi. Yoo Se-yoon recently uploaded various ASMR videos on his Instagram account. He recorded ASMR videos of him eating chips, counting money and other activities. Nowadays, ASMR videos are watched and enjoyed by YouTube viewers because of the soothing and relaxing ASMR sound. This time, he planned to record Kim Jong-kook while eating Korean barbeque.

Kim Jong-kook, well known for living a healthy lifestyle, hates Korean barbeque because of the greasy and fatty meat which is not good for the health. Yoo Se-yoon prepared meat that contained mostly fat for Kim Jong-kook and challenged him to eat it. He accepted the challenge and simply remarked that the meat was tasteless and he felt like eating nothing.

Here Are Several Moments Where Kim Jong Kook Failed To Be Healthy On SBS s  My Little Old Boy  - 23Here Are Several Moments Where Kim Jong Kook Failed To Be Healthy On SBS s  My Little Old Boy  - 3Here Are Several Moments Where Kim Jong Kook Failed To Be Healthy On SBS s  My Little Old Boy  - 59