Because their concept is different from the others, fans are also getting more and more enthusiastic about the new members that recently made their debut to promote in different sub-units from NCT as well. Do you know who the newest members of NCT are? If not, let’s see more detailed information in this article below and get to know more about NCT’s newest activities!

NCT 2018: Black on Black

Most of the members of SMRookies (pre-debut team for SM Entertainment’s new boy and girl group) have debuted as members of NCT. On April 6, 2017, a new member named Lucas was introduced through the official SMRookies’ Twitter account. Lucas’s real name is Wong Yukhei, and he is a trainee from Hong Kong who was born on January 25, 1999. The 18-year-old man is of Chinese and Thai descent and is fluent in Cantonese and Thai. He reportedly can also speak Mandarin and English. In the photo published by SM Entertainment, Lucas looks handsome wearing a white shirt and jeans. The guy with a height above 180 cm also looks mature so that not a few fans don’t believe that he is the same age as NCT’s Mark. SM Entertainment is known for its warehouse of handsome and beautiful idols. We can see this from the two youngest SM groups, Red Velvet and NCT, as well as the pre-debut team SMRookies. In April 2017, SM Entertainment introduced Lucas, a trainee from Hong Kong, as a new member of SMRookies. Just introduced, the guy whose real name is Wong Yukhei had already made fans melt with his handsome face. SM also released photos of Lucas with two other SMRookies members, Kun and Jung-woo, through their official Twitter and Instagram accounts. Lucas seems to be getting more and more attention thanks not only to his exotic face and tall body but also his big eyes. Fans can’t wait for Lucas to debut. Now, every time they meet Lucas at the SMTOWN COEX building or other places, fans never miss taking photos. There have even been several fansites dedicated to the Chinese-Thai idol even though he hasn’t debuted yet. On April 18, 2017, SM re-introduced SMRookies’ trainees who were no less handsome than Lucas. The trainee named Jungwoo was born on February 19, 1998, and has participated in the SMTOWN concert with other SMRookies members who have now debuted as members of NCT. Jungwoo‘s presence was welcomed by fans who have been waiting for his introduction.

— SMROOKIES (@smrookies) April 18, 2017 “Wow, he looks like a mix between Hansol and Kun [two members of SMRookies who were introduced earlier],” commented a fan. “Finally, he was introduced. I thought he was just a myth because all this time his face was always covered by a mask,” said other fans. “My new child, welcome!” said another. SM Entertainment officially introduced Lucas, Jung-woo, and Kun through a handwritten letter by these three boys. The funny thing is, they call themselves Lucky 3 People. Kun has been introduced as part of SMRookies since 2015. Kun has also appeared on NCT Life in Seoul to adapt to his life in Korea. “To the fans I love. Hello, this is Kun. Everyone, thank you for waiting for me for so long. From today on, I will meet you as NCT’s Kun. Yes, that’s right. The traffic light has turned green for me. I don’t know how to express all the emotions I’m feeling right now.” “From SR15B to Lucky 3 People, we grew up together, and honestly, beyond the hard work and rewards we received during training, I actually want to thank the fans who have waited and supported me. I will always remember what you have given me. With thanks from the heart, we will soon fly with the ‘Kun plane.’” “I also want to share the joys and joys of this training period as soon as possible. I want to spend every second and minute in the future with all of you. From today on, I am NCT’s Kun. Please take care of me. Thank you. And, you’re right, there will be a lunar eclipse on January 31st. Let’s wait together until the moonlight shines on the world.” Another SMRookies member that was born in 1998 had previously appeared as a model in Yesung’s music video “Paper Umbrella.” Now, we will see Jungwoo more often who is said to be the new visual in NCT. “Hello everyone, I’m Jungwoo. I’m here to convey good news to those of you who support the three of us. Finally, we will debut. I am very grateful to the fans who have been waiting for us.” “If there was no love from all of you, I probably wouldn’t be here right now. I will always be grateful and will never forget it. I’m very happy and excited now. However, I’m also worried. I’m just starting and will continue to grow. I will work hard to become a good artist. I am very grateful to all of you who have supported Lucky 3 People, Lucas, Kun, and myself. I will meet you as NCT Jungwoo from now on.” “I’m really nervous because I can spend time with fans now. Please take care of me. So far, it’s NCT Jungwoo. Everyone, I love you guys. Thank you for the support.” Compared to the other two, Lucas was the trainee with the shortest training period. This guy from Hong Kong with Thai blood has mastered four languages, making him suitable for the international market. In his introduction letter, Lucas even wrote in two languages. “Hello, I’m Lucas. I have something I want to tell everyone today. We, Lucky 3 People, will be debuting soon. I’m so excited and happy. Without all of you, there would never be the Lucas he is today. Continue to be with us in the future? Thank you for always supporting us. In the future, I will always be the hardworking Lucas. Thank you. I love you all.” Congratulations on the debut of Lucas, Jung-woo, and Kun as new members of NCT 2018!

Lucas, Jung-woo, and Kun’s Moments with NCT’s Members

Empathy is one of the eras that NCTzens cannot forget because in this era there were several members who could promote and finally debut together. Besides that, the return of NCT Dream’s Jaemin was also important because previously he had been on hiatus for several months due to an injury. Likewise, a member from Thailand, which is NCT U’s Ten, was also on hiatus due to an injury and had to undergo treatment until he fully recovered. The return of some members that already debuted in the past also brought happy news as well as a moment where 3 additional members, Lucas, Jung-woo, and Kun, were added to the group and also participated in “NCT 2018: Empathy.” In this era, they worked hard and built chemistry between each other so that there is no gap between the new members and the previous members that have made their debut. Lucas, Jung-woo, and Kun also looked very close to the other members while promoting through “NCT 2018: Empathy” and releasing “Black on Black.”

NCTzens  Here Are the New Members of NCT From Time To Time  - 23NCTzens  Here Are the New Members of NCT From Time To Time  - 72NCTzens  Here Are the New Members of NCT From Time To Time  - 25NCTzens  Here Are the New Members of NCT From Time To Time  - 9NCTzens  Here Are the New Members of NCT From Time To Time  - 65NCTzens  Here Are the New Members of NCT From Time To Time  - 18NCTzens  Here Are the New Members of NCT From Time To Time  - 84NCTzens  Here Are the New Members of NCT From Time To Time  - 87NCTzens  Here Are the New Members of NCT From Time To Time  - 22NCTzens  Here Are the New Members of NCT From Time To Time  - 34NCTzens  Here Are the New Members of NCT From Time To Time  - 94NCTzens  Here Are the New Members of NCT From Time To Time  - 46NCTzens  Here Are the New Members of NCT From Time To Time  - 56NCTzens  Here Are the New Members of NCT From Time To Time  - 78NCTzens  Here Are the New Members of NCT From Time To Time  - 79NCTzens  Here Are the New Members of NCT From Time To Time  - 24NCTzens  Here Are the New Members of NCT From Time To Time  - 97