But do you know what their ideal type of girl is? It is the thing to know so that you can get extra points to get their heart. The 13 members of Seventeen have a variety of ideal types. Starting from the age gap, height, outfits, and personality, all of them are mostly different. That’s why we have prepared a compilation of what Seventeen members’ ideal type is for you.

Seventeen Ideal Type: Outfit, Height, and Age

We made a compilation of Seventeen’s ideal type outfits, height, and age for you! You must be curious about what kind of outfit will make you look good in each of Seventeen members’ eyes or what are their ideal types of height and age when it comes to girls they like. Check this out to find out more!

Seventeen Ideal Type Age Gap

Do Seventeen members consider age as a criterion for their ideal type? And how old are the girls that Seventeen members wish to date? Do they prefer to date a dongsaeng or a noona? Here we will give you the answer!

Seventeen Ideal Type Height

We also provide each of Seventeen members’ ideal height criteria, so check it out!

Seventeen Ideal Type Outfit

How to dress when you’re on a date with Seventeen’s members? Check out this style to impress them! S. Coups’s Ideal Type Outfit Jeonghan’s Ideal Type Outfit Joshua’s Ideal Type Outfit Jun’s Ideal Type Outfit Hoshi’s Ideal Type Outfit Wonwoo Woozi’s Ideal Type Outfit DK’s Ideal Type Outfit Mingyu’s Ideal Type Outfit The8’s Ideal Type Outfit Seungkwan’s Ideal Type Outfit Vernon’s Ideal Type Outfit Dino’s Ideal Type Outfit

Seventeen’s Ideal Type Description

Now, let’s see what kind of girl that Seventeen like as their ideal type. Check these out to find out more about all 13 members’ ideal type!

1. Seventeen S.Coups Ideal Type

S.Coups’s ideal girl is someone who works hard, just like him. He likes someone who is an extrovert. Being a girlfriend of the Seventeen leader, it means you have to be a mom for all of the Seventeen members, so if you want to be S.Coups’ ideal girl, you must have a big warm heart.

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Not only that, S.Coups likes a girl who can support him and becomes his number one supporter. A girl who will protect him (fiercely) even though he doesn’t actually need protection, but for him being protective means she cares about him a lot. S.Coups ideal type is someone who lets him spoil her, but he will also respect her independence. As for his ideal appearance, S.Coups (Choi Seung-cheol) doesn’t have a lot of criteria, but he likes a girl who has tanned skin and someone who smells good. S.Coups is a loveable guy, so a cheerful girl will be a good match for him. Someone who is confident with herself would earn extra points as well. He also prefers girls who like hip hop and rap. S.Coups also likes girls who can cook and eat a lot. So, if you don’t know how to cook, be prepared to get a lesson, because he wants to eat delicious food cooked by his girl (and probably you also need to cook for the other members too).

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