The Fantasy (SF9’s official fandom name) has stayed with them from then to now, especially during the group’s debut era. For those of you who didn’t follow the group during their debut era, don’t worry! In this article, Channel Korea will bring you the good old days of SF9’s debut era, so keep on reading!

SF9’s Hit Debut Single “Fanfare”

SF9 officially debuted on October 5, 2016, by releasing its first single album entitled Feeling Sensation with “Fanfare” as its title track. The “Fanfare” single successfully gained a lot of attention and made the single be released in two other versions: the Chinese and the Japanese one. “Fanfare” emphasized dance as its genre with a little touch of hip hop with trap hip hop and electronic elements being mixed. For the song meaning, “Fanfare” portrays a kind of flirty love song where you can find some teasing phrases in the translation of the lyrics. With the easy-listening music, people instantly liked the song and easily remembered it in their minds. “Fanfare” also focused on each members’ vocals which added more to the group’s first debut!

SF9’s Appearance in the “Fanfare” Music Video

The single “Fanfare” also came with a music video that was released on October 5, 2016. The music video is quite simple yet strong at the same time. The setting takes place in different places such as on a rooftop, in a room that looks like a workshop, in a room full of lights, and many more. Each member also fills those various rooms such as SF9’s Dawon who appears on the TV screen, SF9’s Inseong who is painting, SF9’s Zuho who is in a room while writing, and other details that you can see completely through the whole video. The “Fanfare” MV combines different tones of colors, but mostly, the cool color tones appear. Overall, the “Fanfare” MV was a great and interesting MV for SF9’s debut!

SF9’s Live Performances During Its Debut Era

As a new boy group and like the common K-pop groups, SF9 also attended many music programs to hold live performances as well as promote the single “Fanfare” during the group’s debut era. They held a showcase live and went to M COUNTDOWN and other music programs as well. You can check out some of SF9’s live performances from their debut era here:


Aside from “Fanfare,” SF9 also performed the group’s other single in their debut era, “K.O.” At that time, SF9 members appeared with a youthful image. Some of them came up with mullet hair, but their talent was as amazing as ever!

Dressed Up Like SF9: The Members’ Outfits From the “Fanfare” MV and Live Stages

In several performances, SF9 appears with many fashionable outfits from their debut until now. If you are curious about SF9 members’ outfits, especially during the group’s debut era, let’s dress up like SF9 by taking a look at the members’ outfits down below: Through one of the scenes in the “Fanfare” MV, SF9 members dressed up in casual outfits such as hoodies, sweaters, jeans, and sweatshirts. Meanwhile, for the live stage performance outfits, the members went with a more preppy and semi-formal look by using blazers and turtlenecks! That’s everything about the throwback of SF9’s debut era! Some years have passed, but the group’s amazing debut remains great in many people’s hearts, especially for Fantasy. We are always looking forward to SF9’s music projects in the future! So, what is one of your favorite parts from SF9’s debut with “Fanfare?” Leave a comment regarding that matter, and don’t forget to share this article on your social media!

Throwback to SF9 Debut Era  Single  MV  Concept  and More  - 41Throwback to SF9 Debut Era  Single  MV  Concept  and More  - 59Throwback to SF9 Debut Era  Single  MV  Concept  and More  - 27Throwback to SF9 Debut Era  Single  MV  Concept  and More  - 45Throwback to SF9 Debut Era  Single  MV  Concept  and More  - 84Throwback to SF9 Debut Era  Single  MV  Concept  and More  - 72Throwback to SF9 Debut Era  Single  MV  Concept  and More  - 81Throwback to SF9 Debut Era  Single  MV  Concept  and More  - 65Throwback to SF9 Debut Era  Single  MV  Concept  and More  - 50